
Fueling the Student Athlete


Fueling the body is similar to fueling a car.  You need the right kind of fuel for the best performance. Especially if you are a student athlete.  It is more than eating the right amount of calories.  It's about optimizing the right fuel, in the form of macronutrients, micronutrients, and hydration as a means [...]

Fueling the Student Athlete2022-04-25T09:24:26-04:00

To Dairy…Or to Non-Dairy


There's a lot of noise out there about whether one should drink cow's milk, also known as dairy.   This article will not favor or debunk any information.  Instead, this article will inform you about dairy and several dairy alternative kinds of milk.  You can make the informed decision whether to dairy...or to non-dairy. There [...]

To Dairy…Or to Non-Dairy2021-10-11T10:32:28-04:00
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