
Fueling the Student Athlete


Fueling the body is similar to fueling a car.  You need the right kind of fuel for the best performance. Especially if you are a student athlete.  It is more than eating the right amount of calories.  It's about optimizing the right fuel, in the form of macronutrients, micronutrients, and hydration as a means [...]

Fueling the Student Athlete2022-04-25T09:24:26-04:00

5 Tips to Offer Fueling Snacks for Kids


As a parent or caregiver, the health of your child is probably pretty important.  When your kiddos are constantly asking for snacks, it can be a challenge to say the least.  Then you question whether kids need to snack at all?  This article will address 5 tips to offer fueling snacks for kids. How [...]

5 Tips to Offer Fueling Snacks for Kids2022-03-17T21:15:21-04:00

6 Strategeties to Boost Your Metabolism


When you set goals for weight loss, do you think big, "reach for the stars" goals?  How long before those goals seem out of reach?  I hear all too often, "I give up" or "I don't have willpower."  Setting high expectations can get the best of you, leading to a feeling of failure.  Say [...]

6 Strategeties to Boost Your Metabolism2022-01-05T09:29:45-05:00

What is Metabolism and How Can You lose Weight?


Why can't I lose weight?  Is it my metabolism? Do I have a slow metabolism?  These are questions I get often.  Take a moment to review what is metabolism?   In this 2 part series, this article will explain what is metabolism and how you can lose weight. Overweight and obesity are so common today [...]

What is Metabolism and How Can You lose Weight?2021-12-29T14:54:11-05:00

Holiday Hacks: 3 Time-Saving Kitchen Tips


Holiday hacks - 3 time-saving kitchen tips.  The holidays are upon us.  Social parties, family gatherings, shopping, and work parties may be scaled down - yet somehow we will stay VERY busy.  Give yourself the gift of taking some shortcuts with holiday hacks.  Take some of the pressure off so you can relax and [...]

Holiday Hacks: 3 Time-Saving Kitchen Tips2021-12-28T07:44:16-05:00

Best Foods to Fight Inflammation


Without a doubt, unforeseen circumstances in the past couple of years has taken a toll on our bodies.  I hear complaints about aches, pains, and just an "off" feeling that are new and bothersome.  These could be signs of inflammation caused by a number of factors.  Including foods that you eat.  But, instead of [...]

Best Foods to Fight Inflammation2021-11-04T10:25:32-04:00

To Dairy…Or to Non-Dairy


There's a lot of noise out there about whether one should drink cow's milk, also known as dairy.   This article will not favor or debunk any information.  Instead, this article will inform you about dairy and several dairy alternative kinds of milk.  You can make the informed decision whether to dairy...or to non-dairy. There [...]

To Dairy…Or to Non-Dairy2021-10-11T10:32:28-04:00

Eat Your Way to Better Moods with Gut Healthy Foods!


Eat your way to better moods with gut healthy foods! Really! If you’ve ever felt an anxious knot in your stomach or felt down in the dumps after a food binge, you’ll really love my latest article. New research shows us how much our bodies and minds truly are interconnected. If you (or someone [...]

Eat Your Way to Better Moods with Gut Healthy Foods!2021-07-23T15:29:29-04:00
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